Sh! Girl on TV - Next Wednesday at 10pm on Channel 4
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Sh! Girl on TV - Next Wednesday at 10pm on Channel 4

Our lovely Store Manager Joanna is going to be on telly! [caption id=" " align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Sh! On Channel 4"] [/caption] The fabulous manager of Sh! Hoxton has been drafted in as a resident expert on Channel 4's new series 'The Joy of Teen Sex, which discusses aspects of sex and sexuality with teenagers. She's giving great advice on foreplay, lesbian sex, anal play, and oral sex and the Kama Sutra in the episode, which is airing next week. The show has already attracted controversey from the Daily Mail and Mediawatch UK (we'd love to know how come they've seen it already when we have to wait another week ?!). They're arguing that the show is 'pornographic', and unsuitable for teenagers. We reckon their real issue is with talking frankly about sex with teenagers, because it's a scary concept in this society. Everyone - teens included - has difficulty with the blurry line between childhood and adulthood, and it's hard to say when it's best to start talking to teenagers about different aspects of sex. But when it comes to giving young people - and indeed anyone else who needs it - information that will help them have safe, informed, and pleasurable sex, we're all for it! We're firmly of the belief that sex is fun and pleasure is good for you, as Dossie Easton says, and something that makes it both better and safer is having information at your fingertips. Like Joanna said on our Facebook Page, 'No teenagers (actually, young adults!) were harmed in the making of this highly controversial program.!' You can make up your own minds, ladiez...check out The Joy Of teen Sex, 10pm Wednesday 19th January on Channel 4

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