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September Events at Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium

The Sh! Girlz have a great set of events lined up for this coming month, Ladiez - new artwork from celebrated artist Ava Anna Grauls, plus the return of our Introduction to Burlesque class with the lovely Miss Tempest Rose! Ava Anna Grauls' art exhibition WHEN: 9th September, 6pm to 8pm WHERE:Our Hoxton Store HOW MUCH:Free! Gents, please bring a lady friend along for this event. [caption id="Lovers, by Ava Anna Grauls" align="alignleft" width="300"]Lovers Lovers, by Ava Anna Grauls[/caption] "Ava Anna Grauls started by selling her watercolour designs at Portobello market as alternative Valentine cards. The passers-by either bought a number of prints without bargaining or would walk away red-faced and confused. ‘The reactions I’ve received at the market were very unusual. People in their thirties and older would love the images and the children would look at them uninhibited. My biggest critics seemed to come from the twenty-somethings, as they would look over interested, then walk away quickly when they realised what it was they were looking at. It was a very funny experience.’ Her original paintings are very large watercolours that have been downsized and made into print collages. ‘I wanted to create the dreamlike world that is present in both Amano and Gustav’s artwork but capture a frame of people and their relations. I have spent months agonising what the facial expressions are and what the body language should be, to express the situations many people go through when their relationships evolve and grow, or break up.’ Her first print was inadvertently inspired by a chance meeting at Dragon Boy bar, Chang Mai. The bar hostess had been hostile at first but grew friendlier as the artist visited more often. Miss Grauls was intrigued by the hostess’ possessiveness around other men. This created ‘The Lovers’ and the prints that followed were invented out of talking to other people as they confessed their intimate fears and hopes about their own lovers." Introduction to Burlesque Class [caption id="Burlesque Class" align="alignright" width="150"]Unlash your inner minx! Burlesque Class[/caption] WHEN: September 23rd, 7pm to 8:30pm WHERE: Our Hoxton Store HOW MUCH £20 - cost includes a weclome glass of bubbly... The Sh! Girlz are delighted to welcome back Miss Tempest Rose, one of the UK’s top Burlesque showgirls, to come and teach you some of the secrets of the Art of Burlesque. This is a limited place ladiez-only session that will introduce you to burlesque, teach you a little about its history and modern revival, explain burlesque costuming secrets with a show and tell from Tempest Rose’s personal costume collection and will teach you how to move, shimmy and use your body like a burlesque star! The session will include a dance class, so participants are advised to bring a pair of heels they can dance in and to wear something comfy and easy to move in that makes them feel fabulous. Tempest Rose is an international burlesque performer with a string of television appearances to her name. She performs regularly at all of London’s top venues, is a member of celebrated London troupe The Kitten Club, has performed with celebrities and will be performing at this years Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend in Las Vegas – the biggest and most prestigious burlesque showcase in the world. Please remember to book in advance - tickets sell very fast. Hope to see you there, ladiez!

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