We're welcoming Tess Sheerin back to Sh! Women’s Erotic Emporium in Hoxton square. London N1 6PB, to show her stunning, explicit and incredibly sexy work.
These sensual images comes from an ever-changing, dream-like blend of beauty, fantasy, eroticism and admiration for the female form.
Self-taught, Tess' new works incorporate more graphic design techniques than her earlier projects, using a myriad of skills to vivid effect.
The show depicts women in erotic pose as a
means of exploring the artists own sexuality and some brand new original artwork!
Praise for Tess Sheerin
“I was taken on quite a journey through the pages of your work and it was a journey I very much enjoyed. I think you have made a statement about the difference between pornography and eroticism, and have done so with such a unique and beautiful style. Your work is both subtle yet arousing” “In all of Tess’ work there is an erotic element in shape, texture and colour… she seems able to capture the beauty, shape and form of the body and its deeper portrayal of our emotions, lust and desire.”