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Christmas Pleasure Hunt - The Posts So Far...

Have you been following our Christmas Pleasure Hunt so far? If not, there's still plenty of time to get involved and get yourself in with a chance of winning a fabulous prize. It's free, it's fun and it's fantastically filthy!

Twelve erotica authors will be secreting pieces of information on their blog posts. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to follow the trail, collect this info and enter a draw to win all kinds of awesome stuff!! The aim of the game is to find a word from the following Kate Bush lyric in a post from each of our participating authors:

Come to sparkle the dark up …Come to cover the muck up


That word will link to a sexy Sh! product. Check out the link, note down the price. At the end of the hunt, add up all 12 prices you’ve collected. That total is your answer!

After Monday, email your answer (the total price of all linked products) to Sh! (renee@sh-womenstore.com). All correct answers will go into a draw. One lucky winner gets a bumper bag of goodies from Sh! Thirteen runners up will receive a book (print or digital) from one of the authors on board. It’s a snowfall of smut!

So far we've had blog posts dedicated to the Pleasure Hunt from: (click their name to be taken to their post)

Remittance Girl, whose blog contains sensationally sexy stories (one with a Hunt clue within), insightful blog pieces and even Podcasts!!

Justine Elyot, a writer of erotica and erotic romance with smattering of melodramatic villains, damsels under duress, leather, our Pleasure Hunt word and references to pop songs.

Victoria Blisse, who writes rosy rubenesque smut as that the Sh! Girlz just can't get enough of! The BlisseKiss blog is full of competitions and calls for submissions as well as another word from our Pleasure Hunt. Check it out!

Sommer Marsden, with a blog full of info on her HOT HOT HOT erotica as well as fun posts and competitions and a sweet little list list of what she loves about Christmas (with a cheeky Pleasure Hunt word dropped in!)

Janine Ashbless, Love fantasy/paranormal erotica? Janine has written enough to keep you smiling for a very long time. All titles, as well as other fun posts (like our Hunt), can be found on her blog).

Tamsin Flowers, not only writes saucy stories, but shares excerpts, ideas and opinions on writing (and is now helping us with our Hunt, of course!).

Now we've cheekily put all the posts so far into one place, you have no excuse not to be able to go through and find the links needed to enter. Tomorrow we'll bring you the links for next three posts you need to rummage through in order to find your next words for the Christmas Pleasure Hunt.

Happy Hunting :D

The Sh! Girlz xx

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