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August Events at Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium

We're holding some very cool events at Sh! Hoxton this month! WHAT:Exhibition of art by Frances Duncan "My work is all about sensuality; my aim is to seduce the onlooker rather than challenge or shock. I try to convey that feeling one gets when totally absorbed in sensation and pleasure. In this age of conceptual art where the aim so often seems to be to cause controversy and disturb the viewer in the name of social comment and to provoke a reaction at all costs, I believe that art should be beautiful and pleasing - it should enrich our lives rather than provoke negative feelings like guilt, unease or even disgust. In a world ruled by modern art, this belief seems to make me something of a heretic. The human form is the only subject that really inspires me, I find it far more challenging and ultimately rewarding to paint than anything else. I love the shapes and lines a body makes and the glimpses of muscle and sinew just beneath the surface, the way it can balance and move with power and grace - our bodies are truly amazing. I'm not sure where the obsession with wings and tails comes from, it has no religious meaning for me. I think it has more to do with the expression of movement and freedom. I have also always had a fascination with fantasy and all things mythical." WHERE:Our Hoxton Store (Map here) WHEN:Until August 31st - pop in any day between 12 and 8pm. Gents, please bring a lady friend with you. HOW MUCH: Free! WHAT:Reading with Kay Jaybee The Sh! Girlz are delighted to welcome Kay Jaybee back for a book reading from her very own sexy anthology The Collector. Enjoy a glass of bubbly, and perhaps a cupcake or two, with Kay and the Sh! Girlz. Please email shop@sh-womenstore.com to book your place. Spaces are limited so booking is essential if you don’t want to miss out on this fabulous event. Kay Jaybee is the author of the erotic e-books Quick Kink One and Quick Kink Two (Xcite e-books, 2010), and the sexy anthology The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2008), which features the adventures of a writer, forever in the pursuit of tales of sexual adventure. As well as being a regular contributor to www.OystersandChocolate.com , Kay has a number of stories published by Cleis Press (Best of the Best Women’s Erotica 2; Lips Like Sugar; Lust; Best Women’s Erotica 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010; Best Lesbian Romance 2009, Sweet Love), Black Lace (Sex and Music, Sexy Little Numbers), Xcite Books (Ultimate Sin, Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler), Xcite e-books (Cocktales: All Night Long), Mammoth Books (The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica), Penguin (Oysters and Chocolate; Erotic Stories of Every Flavor), and Forum Magazine. She is currently awaiting the publication of her stories, ‘Getting the Message’ in Cleis Press’s latest anthology, Smooth; and ‘Corset’ in Oysters and Chocolate newest book, ‘Nice Girls: Naughty Sex.’ Details of Kay's stories, past, present, and future, can be found at www.kayjaybee.me.uk WHERE:Our Hoxton Store (Map here) WHEN:Friday 13th August - 7pm HOW MUCH:£3 Looking forward to seeing lots of you there - and don't forget to check out our Erotic classes, also being held this month...

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