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Europe's 1st sex shop by and for women has taken the fight Stateside

Turn on the revolution

Ecstasy without apology since 1992. Shebang!

Pleasure is power

pleasure is power.Shebang!

Ecstasy without apology

Suprise Yourself (Over & Over Again).
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Our most important sexual relationship is the one we have with ourselves.  When we are sexually empowered and fulfilled, we are more confident in our bodies, in our voices, and in our lives. 

That's why in 1992, we launched Europe's first sex shop by women, for women. It was high time we harnessed the power of our own pleasure, and thirty years later, our mission is more relevant than ever. 

What Sh! Stands for

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Handmade & Curated By Women Since 1992

Featured Collections
sex lubebeae image basic
Bondage & Kinkbondage-sh-womenstore
lesbian-sex-toys-sh-womenstorebeae image basic
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vibrators-sh-womenstorebeae image basic
silicone dildosbeae image basic
Pleasure is power logo
Piece De Resistance

Piece De Resistance

Sh! Best Sellers 


Pleasure is every womens right

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Strap On Guides
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Good, honest advice about all things sex & sex toys is at the heart of what we do. 


Browse our advice pages or contact us

for 1-2-1 guidance

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30 memorable moments
Meet Us

Sh! Womens Store

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Our Story 
We Couldn't Do It Without You

Founded in the spirit of resistance, for over 30 years Sh! has trailblazed the rights of women to sexual pleasure. And now there's a new, exciting chapter in our history...

The good, the bad and why it's all been worth it!

I'm Ky, founder of Sh!, and I’d like to say a huge ‘thank-you’ for being part of the Sh! community. When I founded Sh!, back in 1992, it was to create a comfortable place where women could discover their unique relationship to sex and pleasure (because nothing like that existed), and to ensure ALL womens' sexuality is celebrated  whatever their sexual orientation, relationship or health status, age, race or culture.

By choosing to shop with us, you help us to achieve SO much more than simply sell sex toys...

Whether delivering tailored advice and top service, creating gorgeous Sh! own-brand range of UK-made sex toys or pioneering new ways to spread our message, we're passionate about the empowering ethos at the core of our independent, women-run company...

Welcome To Sh! The UK's pioneering women's sex shop, where female-foccused pleasure Is paramount!