Did you know there are only 84 days left until Christmas?
To be more precise, it's 84 days, 9 hours and 18 minutes - at point of writing, anyway. But the Christmas clock is ticking faster than we can write...
To help keep you on right on time for this year's festivities , we suggest you get Christmas shopping organised early. Avoid all the hustling and bustling of the local high street and join us for a fun evening of great discounts, mince pies and mulled wine instead.
You are all invited to join us for an Early Bird Shopping Bonanza with discounts on ALL Sh! own brand toys like silicone dildos, luxury vibrators and couture bondage.
When: Tuesday 11th November 6-8pm
Where: Sh! 57 Hoxton Square, London N1 6PB
This is a FREE event and there are no limits on numbers, so feel free to bring a guest or two.
What's New Pussycat?
The newest sex toys to make our shelves...