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Which Is The Best Sex Toy For Multiple Orgasms?

Best Sex Toy for Multiple Orgasms - Sh! Women's Store

Hi Sh! 

I don't have a problem with orgasms - I can easily have them with my bullet vibe -  but I want more of them! Which sex toy do you recommend for multiple orgasms? 

Hello there, 

Many thanks for getting in touch!

What are multiple orgasms?

Multiple orgasms are exactly what it sounds like - a string of orgasms one after another.

A good friend experiences incredibly powerful multiple orgasms. In their case, each orgasm is stronger than the last, to the point of them almost passing out at the end (!). Not gonna lie babes - we are well-jel!

Our toy tester is also a multiple orgasmer, but hers go the other way. Each orgasm gets weaker and weaker, and the last one is barely a blip on the radar. A discrete vaginal sneeze. For her, having one strong orgasm is preferable to having several barely-there ones.

Orgasms are a colourful spectrum and you can land anywhere - from super-strong to weak. We're not discouraging you from trying - we just want to let you know that having multiple orgasms may not be all that it's made out to be. 

How to have multiple orgasms 

First of all, pace yourself. Multiples are a marathon of pleasure, not a quick sprint to sexual gratification. Ensure you are hydrated (water), and make sure your vag is well-hydrated (lube). It's gonna be a long night! 

Arousal is imperative. Turned on to the max! We are talking horny as hell. Read something hot, listen to sexy stories, or download porn that gets your juices flowing. 

Your email mentions using a bullet vibe, so we're guessing you are a clit-gal. The clitoris is a good place to start. 

Using your lubed-up bullet, tease and play around the clit for as long as you can take it. Edging is fun and helps build arousal. Get yourself as close to orgasm as possible, and then take a step back. Don't let your climax come until you are pillow-bitingly ready. 

As your orgasm subsides, give yourself a short break of about 20 seconds. It's possible that your clit is too sensitive to take more at this point, so it's time to get the G-spot involved. 

G-spot stimulation 

The G-spot is an erogenous zone inside the vagina, approximately half a finger's length on the front wall. Inserting one or two lube-up fingers will help you find an area that feels ridged compared to the silky vaginal walls. This is the G-spot.

As you get turned on, blood flows to the G-spot, making it easier to find and stimulate.

Many women & vulva owners who are multi-orgasmic tend to experience this prolonged pleasure from their G-spots. The clitoris can become over-sensitive after an orgasm or lots of stimulation. The G-spot, on the other hand, can take lots and lots of firm pressure.

Using a sex toy designed for G-spot stimulation is helpful. These toys are designed with long-ish shafts and a curved tip for better reaching and teasing the G-spot.

G-spot vibrator in blue with white handle

Now, the G-spot can take its sweet time to come out of hiding. It may not happen on the first try, or the second, or the third... It makes itself know when it wants to. A G-spot arousal gel can help coax it out.

Don't stress about having multiple orgasms at this point. Take your time and enjoy discovering the pleasure your body has to offer. 

Blended orgasms 

Before moving on to multiple orgasms, we recommend mastering 'blended orgasms.' A blended orgasm is simultaneous clit & G-spot orgasms - a double whammy!

Experiencing blended orgasms teach you more about your body, and you learn how to read its pleasure signals.

If your orgasms are currently clitoral, trying for blended orgasms invites your G-spot to the party. Once the G-spot is a regular party-goer, you can move onto G-spot/internal orgasms and from there - multiple orgasms are on the horizon!

You can use your bullet vibe + an internal sex toy or a dual stimulation toy for blended orgasms. We particularly love rabbit vibes for this.

The trick is to bring yourself to orgasm with the help of dual stimulation. Once you can do that, remove the clitoral stimulation a second before coming - but keep stimulating the G-spot. The time after that - remove clitoral stimulation 2 secs before coming, and so on. Over time, you are teaching your body how to have internal/G-spot orgasms.

Best sex toy for multiple orgasms

A super toy for multiple orgasms is Evie Tapping Vibe, and we'll explain why! 

Evie is a modern dual-stimulation toy. Instead of a shaft and bunny ears, Evie features a "tapping" clit pad and a vibrating love ball for internal pleasure. 

Apply lube to the clitoral thrum pad and let it tap-tap-tap over the vulva. This increases blood flow to the genital area, which is crucial for arousal and orgasm. It also stimulates the internal clitoral legs hidden under your labia lips. The tapping can be placed over the clitoris too - but be warned - orgasm may be imminent! 

Coat the vibrating love ball with water-based lube and insert it into the vagina. The ball delivers thrills to the G-spot, and it can easily remain in place if your clit needs a little break.

Evie gives dual stimulation without the need for an unyielding and bulky shaft.  It's a genius sex toy! 

Evie dual tapping vibe in purple siliocne. A tapping clit pad with an attached love ball.

Buy Evie Tapping Vibe Here!

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